In-Server Economy
In-Server Economy Documentation & Commands - 3 Nakano NFTs Required
Last updated
In-Server Economy Documentation & Commands - 3 Nakano NFTs Required
Last updated
Customizable In-Server Economy - (3 Nakano NFTs Held)
This provides a server with a way to engage the community with an internal Discord Currency that can be used for anything that you - as the project leader - see as valuable to the growth of community strength in a project.
A good example would be, using the in-server currency for whitelist, raffles, NFTs to purchase & other vanity roles within the server. Personally speaking, this has been an amazing way to keep a server engaged and giving community members a reason to always come back to hang out / build up their server currency wallet.
!daily (Rewards can be customized by NFT holdings if you hold an additional Nakano NFT)
This command makes it so that community members return to your server daily to claim rewards. This command's cooldown rate and rewards can be customized. Rewards can also be boosted depending on NFTs held in wallets.
!give<currency> <amount> <user> - Admin
This command is used by admins to give community members your in-server currency for rewards, prizes and achievements.
!rvk<currency> <amount> <user> - Admin
This command is used by admins to revoke currency amounts.
!roll | !flip | !groll <amount> | !gflip <amount>
This command is a "Game" command that is another way to keep community members occupied and allows for a steady accumulation of your in-server currency.The "Gamble" commands, !groll <amount> | !gflip <amount> will deduct the holder's currency if they lose the game played. Cooldowns and gamble cap amounts are customizable.
This command will show a Top 10 Leaderboard of the biggest holders of your in-server currency.
!level | !level <user>
Shows the users level or anyones another person's level if their discord handle is applied to the end of the command.
!my<currency> | !my<currency> <user>
Shows your in-server wallet amount or another person’s in-server wallet if their discord handle is added at the end of the command.
!shop - Requires +1 More Nakano NFT Held
Provides an interactive Shop interface community members can access to purchase specific roles within your server.
!addshop - Requires +1 More Nakano NFT Held - Admin
Admin Command that provides an interface that allows admins to add a limited shop item. This could be an NFT or a limited role within your server.
!raffle<rafflerolename><cost> - Requires +1 More Nakano NFT Held - Admin
Admin Command that provides a react bot that community members can interact with to purchase a limited role that can be used for giveaways/raffles.